Course Fee: $50
ACF Approved CEH: 6 Hours
Subject Area: Fundamentals of Professional Cooking Series
Course Approved by: The American Culinary Federation
Instructor: Amber Johnson
Instructional Videos Included (4 total videos):
Boiling Steaming and Pan Steaming, Pan-Frying and Deep-Frying, Understanding Sous Vide: Fish, Meat and Poultry, Grinding Spices
This course has been developed and optimized for online delivery using the licensed title Professional Cooking, 8th edition, published by Wiley and Sons, Inc. and authored by Wayne Gisslen. The fee for this course includes access to all online course materials, instructional videos and an official certificate of completion from Once your course is completed, your course completion will be authenticated, and a certificate of completion will be generated. This official certificate of completion will be uploaded to your account, and will be available through the course dashboard for this course.
No written recipe can be 100 percent accurate. No matter how carefully a recipe is written, the judgment of the cook is still the most important factor in a preparation turning out well. A cook’s judgment is based on experience, on an understanding of the raw materials available, and on knowledge of basic cooking principles and food science.
Ever since Carême began to define the principles and methods that lie behind the recipes we use, professional cooking has been based on procedures and methods rather than only on recipes. In the twenty-first century, chefs have improved their knowledge not just of cooking theory but also of the science behind it.
This course deals with basic principles. You will learn about what happens to food when it is heated, about how food is cooked by different methods, and about rules of seasoning and flavoring. It is important to understand the science of food and cooking so you can successfully use these principles in the kitchen.
Learning Objectives:
Quiz: Multiple-choice questions that pertain to objectives above.
Learning Objectives:
Instructional Videos: Boiling, Steaming and Pan Steaming, Pan-Frying and Deep-Frying, Understanding Sous Vide: Fish, Meat and Poultry
Quiz: Multiple-choice questions that pertain to objectives above.
Learning Objectives:
Instructional Video: Grinding Spices
Quiz: Multiple-choice questions that pertain to objectives above.
Multiple choice questions taken from each module
Learning statements should be in a narrative format – as opposed to an outline format. Depending on individual writing styles Learning statements should be around 1 page. The learning statement can vary according to individual style. Your learning statement should answer the broad question of "what did you learn?". To help get you thinking, here are some suggested questions:
The following are the general course requirements for issuing a certificate of completion for this course: