Basic Principles of Cooking and Food Science - Reviews

Course Reviews

"This was a fun course and I would recommended it for any food lover out there.  The more food knowledge you can gain the better understanding you will have and that will make you a better Chef."
-- C.T. from Montana

"I have been cooking and teaching for some time now and I still look for new ways to present the materials. This course has given me some because one of the most useful lessons I have learned is to remain teachable. The reading of the course instead of seeing it being done physically was a new experience and added value to the concepts I already had."
-- R.C. from Massachusetts

"Basic principles of cooking and food science course was very impactful. I was able to get a refresher course on common seasonings and flavoring ingredients and a better understanding of using herbs and spices. Reading about the effects of heat on foods was enlightening, giving me a better understanding why foods behave the way they do so I will be able to get them to behave the way I want them to."
-- B.P. from Pennsylvania